Antipasto of marinated anchovies and Erzincan tulum


12 marinated white anchovies*
¾ lb. Erzincan tulum, cubed**
Celery stalks (optional)
Oil-cured olives (optional)


• Scatter a handful of cheese cubes on a small plate. Top off a few of them with an anchovy. If desired, plate with the celery and olives.

*If you have fresh anchovies, marinate them in the pickling juice from the escabèche recipe for 30 minutes. Then remove them from the marinade and douse with grape seed oil.
**Tulum is one of Turkey’s favorite cheeses. It is produced in a mountainous terroir, and is made largely of sheep’s milk. During production, the cheese is encased in an animal skin, which gives it its sharp flavor. It is white, creamy, fatty with a butter aroma, and has a somewhat bitter taste. Occasionally, you can find tulum at Global Foods Market in Kirkwood. If it’s unavailable, substitute feta or chèvre.

Tags : Anchovies