august the mansion co-owner candice mills, exec. chef jessica hickman, general manager alejandro molina, co-owner justin mills photo by lauren healey

August The Mansion restaurant and bar brings new life to historic building in O'Fallon, Illinois

This beautiful Italianate-style family farmhouse was built in 1857 and has been home to several restaurants since the 1990s. The latest in that lineage is August The Mansion, which offers a New American menu inspired by a range of cuisines.

Standout items include the kale Caesar salad with freshly zested lemon and a delicious Peruvian chicken dish served atop creamy aji verde and alongside flavorful chile-lime potatoes and roasted cauliflower.

For dessert, try the strawberry shortcake made with a ginger biscuit, macerated berries and Baileys whipped cream. The beverage menu takes inspiration from the history of the building with offerings like the gin-based Mansiontini and the Mississippi Buzz (rum, vodka, coffee liqueur, orange and spiced chocolate).

1680 Mansion Way, O’Fallon, Illinois, 618.607.8040,